Let us answer your questions
See frequently asked questions below or email us at info@thewestsideshop.com
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Is your site temporarily closed?
Yes, we are temporarily pausing our site for some updates in the meantime please shop us in store. or with our stylist Cynthia@thewestsideshop.com
Do you have an online stylist to help me find what I am looking for?
Yes, please contact cynthia@greenwichretailgroup.com for any online continued help, or visit our stylist page to find a store stylist here.
Do you still take returns?
Yes, we will honor online returns according to our existing return policy.
Do you have customer service?
Yes please contact info@thewestsideshop.com for customer service questions
Where are your stores located?
See our store list here.
Do you carry a specific brand like Redone?
We carry many brands please see our designers here or email customer service at info@thewestsideshop.com for further questions
Do you have an Instagram account?
Yes, please follow us for up to date information.